
Organization Earth, is a Greek Non-profit Civil NGO founded in 2010 that operates at the intersection of People, Planet, Prosperity and Partnership

Organization Earth strives to serve all 17 Goals of Sustainable Development, Organization Earth programs & services address major social issues like long-term unemployment and migration, while leveraging new business models such as social/ethical entrepreneurship, particularly related to the Green Economy (organic agriculture) and the Blue Economy (marine & maritime sectors), at the same time taking steps to tackle climate change primarily by offering nature-based experiential learning activities.

Competence and Expertise Offered

Organization Earth’s expertise is based on programs of non-typical education, social inclusion programs for vulnerable social groups through sport & connecting people with nature and community-based action as well as grass roots activities on sustainable development, primarily in urban centers.

Expertise sought

Organization Earth aims to participate in projects focused on synergies between local & international civil society, academia, public and private stakeholders, as well as citizens to solve large-scale social & environmental problems and to educate people of all ages to think and act as agents of change.