
Naturefriends Greece / NFGR is a nonprofit organization, founded in 2008. NFGR is a member organization of the “Naturefriends International”

Naturefriends Greece has members from across the country. Most of our members are also involved in other political and social activities such as unions, municipal and regional councils, social centers, solidarity structures, mountaineering clubs.
Although the term “Nature friends” points to a naturalistic / ecological / environmental organization, we do believe that environment extends beyond the mountains, the water, and the air that surrounds us or climate change.

The interest and our actions continue beyond the natural environment protection and the exaltation that it provides.

Competence and Expertise Offered

We offer expertise in e-activism, environmental awareness and education programs, good practices for the promotion of local history and culture, recipes and methods Mediterranean diets.
Expertise: Solidarity, Informal education, Good practice – Less Waste – Better Life, Civil Protection, Organization of meetings and events, Capacity building

Expertise sought

The NFGR is open for cooperation and joint actions at all levels of the social life. However we are more interested in cooperation for fair trade, promotion of cooperative products or services, the Mediterranean diet, the municipal waste management -waste management, non formal education, e-activism (activism via the Internet), alternative tourism, the tourism disabled, and Road safety, Sustainable Development – 17 SDGs, Culture and Local Music, Climate Change, Informal Education.