
We are a rooftop org. for organizations of pre-school outdoor education. Our goal is to create suitable legal conditions and professional standards

Establishing legal conditions for pre-school education realized outside, including hygiene, educational framework, etc.
Establishing professionalization of teachers and their skill to teach outside with emphasis on the child’s individual needs.
Establishing education for sustainable development into praxis.

Competence and Expertise Offered

We can offer experts on specifics of pre-school outdoor education (especially youngest kids) and we want to exchange experiences on this field.
We have lobbying experiences, on a national level, in establishing forest kindergartens into the official educational system.

Expertise sought

We would like to exchange experiences in specific fields of pre-school education as the inclusion of kids with special needs, specifics of outside education like risk-benefit education, pre-maths skills, evaluation of educational progress, etc.
We would also like to exchange experience in lobbying and practical demands on outdoor education facilities.