
Moara de hartie (The Paper Mill) Association is managing The Paper Mill and the Crafts Village Complex in Comana (Giurgiu), Romania

Our mission is that of being a focal point of synergy between people, crafts and art, doing this by:
1. Direct experience – we are open to visitors every week-end, from June to September.
2. Education and training – we organize practical workshops with children and adults, on topics related to creativity and crafts.
3. Manufacturing handmade objects in the spirit of the old crafts, conceived to be relevant and appreciated in the XXIst century.
We are constantly looking for grant projects on promoting crafts to the people in the rural areas of Romania, especially the South of the country.

Competence and Expertise Offered

Our competence can be summarised as follows:
– deep knowledge of how crafts can contribute to local development
– keen committment to education in crafts
– extensive experience in promoting crafts to both children and adults, both from the cities or from the countryside
– our Complex can also offer the needed support for educational and craft-related activities in Romania

Expertise sought

We’re looking for expertise on leveraging our impact on local rural communities, working with crafts and education as means of local development.