
«A.S.P.I.D.A.» is a newly established nonprofit organization, based in Ioannina, Greece.

Our mission is to offer support and social protection to vulnerable groups, in order to psychosocially strengthen them, enhance their sense of security, facilitate their access to services and safeguard their right to freedom of expression, as equal members of the society in which they live.
Suggested interventions
1) Promoting a common model of psychological intervention
2) Implementation of a comprehensive psychosocial empowerment program
3) Systematic staff training

Competence and Expertise Offered

The team of A.S.P.I.D.A. consists mainly of mental health professionals (psychologists, social workers, etc.), with rich professional experience through their private ventures, and adept in dealing with the refugee crisis.

Expertise sought

We are seeking for a mutual beneficial cooperation as partners, which will create an added value to every participating organization.